Kitchen Ergonomics are NICEIC registered

13 Jul Kitchen Ergonomics are NICEIC registered

At Kitchen Ergonomics we want to provide our customers with not only high quality Kitchens but also peace of mind that any electric works carried out in their home are of a safe standard, we are proud to announce we are NICEIC Registered.

niceic_dis_logo_transparentWhy use a NICEIC Contractor?
NICEIC has been assessing the technical competence of electricians for over 50 years. Their aim is to protect everyone who uses electricity from unsafe electric installations anywhere. To achieve this they maintain a register of qualified competent electricians of which Kitchen Ergonomics are proud to be listed.

Any Kitchen Ergonomics Staff that are NICEIC registered will be re-assessed on a regular basis to ensure high standards.

Over 26,000 contractors are registered by NICEIC, covering the whole of the UK and Kitchen Ergonomics are one of these.

The main benefits of using a contractor registered by NICEIC include:

Safety and Competance
Electricians registered by NICEIC are assessed on a regular basis to ensure that they are competent and capable of meeting the relevant technical and safety standards, codes of practice and rules of the Schemes they are registered to.

Insurance Backed Warranty
The NICEIC Insurance Backed Warranty covers work done by contractors registered to the NICEIC Part P Domestic Installer Scheme that is notifiable to Building Control. Should any work be found not to comply with the Building Regulations and where the contractor is no longer in business we will have the work rectified by another NICEIC contractor at no extra cost. Remember to ask the contractor for a Part P certificate on completion of work. The certificate will have the IBW details on it. The financial limit placed on the remedial work is £25,000 for any one installation. The warranty is valid for a period of six years from the date of completion of the original work.

Guarantee of Standards / Complaints procedure
NICEIC expects its registered contractors to provide a quality service to their customers. If a customer and an Approved Contractor are unable to resolve an alleged deficiency in the technical standard of electrical work, the customer can make a formal complaint to NICEIC. NICEIC will help facilitate the negotiations between the contractor and the complainant and in certain cases can ask the contractor to rectify the work at no extra cost to the consumer.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact us on 01438 222929 or email

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