Bake it Yourself

11 May Bake it Yourself

Bake it Yourself App 2As a Neff Five Star Master Partner we are proud to announce that our friends at Neff Bake it Yourself now have a free app with their many mouthwatering recipes, from delicious Beef and Mushroom Wellington to Bakewell Apple Souffles.

The clever little App is packed with recipes, videos and a shopping list so you don't miss out that vital ingredient! Once the desired recipe has been chosen users have the option to select the cooking mode, which automatically scrolls through the recipe in stages avoiding the risk of sticky finger prints on your screen!

Bake it Yourself launched in March 2012 the idea is to encourage the nation to share its love of food and get baking whilst building an enthusiastic online community. By October 2012 the Bake it Yourself Facebook had reached over 100,000 follower and 30,000 twitter followers.

On 26th August 2013 we will be celebrating BIY first birthday by holding a Bake it Yourself day at our Kitchen and Bedroom showroom, Stevenage watch this space! Please click here to download the app and read what fellow BIY have to say.

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