50 Shades of Blue……………….Kitchens

07 Jul 50 Shades of Blue……………….Kitchens

Blue kitchens are becoming increasingly popular and its no wonder when you see how stunning the finished result is. If you want to make a statement then blue is a bold, strong colour and looks great when teamed with other textures and shades.

Whether you decide to paint your walls blue, have your floors blue or chose a blue splash back blue is becoming increasingly popular and bang on trade. Similar to the grey kitchens we fit for our clients we believe blue is here to stay and looks great in any kitchen traditional or contemporary.


Light blue kitchens

An almost retro look this Remo blue kitchen looks great with a warm quartz worktop and dark wooden floor, it gives it an earthy feel bringing the outdoors in.

Dark Blue Kitchens

Dark blue is certainly makes a bold statement and in this image you can see why. If you have a bright and spacious room it looks fantastic otherwise we can help you add light wherever it may need brightening. By choosing light floor and light wooden worktops or a white quartz its already lighting the area.

Warm Blue Kitchens

Teal, turquoise or light blue whichever you look to name it you have to agree this kitchen looks warm, cosy and the perfect place for welcoming and entertaining guests.

Below is an example of one of our clients beautiful blue kitchens, they have opted for the Hartforth Blue click here to see more of this stunning case study.

Hartforth Blue Shaker Kitchen

Hartforth Blue Shaker Kitchen

At Kitchen Ergonomics we have a variety of blues available and a design team that can help turn your dreams into a reality! And the best part is we offer a free design service so why not get in touch today 01438 222929.

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